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Ben Hadj Slama Jaleleddine

References Publication Link
Ahmed Taleb Cheikhna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, O. Nasri, Mamoudou Ndongo, 2023, Electrical Engineering Vol : 105, Issue : 3, PP : 1911–1921, DOI :, IF : 1.63, Q2, Scopus, juin 2023 Link
Kraiem Sana, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2023, Electrical Engineering Vol : 101, Issue : 5, DOI :, IF : 1.8, Q2, Scopus, 11 September 2023 Link
B. Zitouna, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Moncef KADI, 2023, Microelectronics Reliability Vol : 101, PP : 115128, DOI :, IF : 1.6, Q2, Science Direct, 1 October 2023 Link
I. Abari, M. Sleiman, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, H.Y. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, 2023, Electr Eng Vol : 105, Issue : 1, DOI :, IF : 1.8, Q2, WOS, Avril 2023 Link
N.M. Ben Lakhal, L. Adouane, O. Nasri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2022, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Vol : 152, DOI : Doi:, IF : 3.7, Q1, WOS, Juin 2022 Link
A. Ibtissem, M. Hamouda, M. Sleiman, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Kanaan Y., K. Al-Haddad, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Vol : 71, DOI : 10.1109/TIM.2022.3144235, IF : 4.016, Q1, WOS, 20 January 2022 Link
M. Mellouli, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Al-Haddad, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion Vol : 36, Issue : 3, PP : 1600 - 1613, DOI : 10.1109/TEC.2021.3061027, IF : 4.877, Q1, WOS, 22 february 2021 Link
W. Labiedh, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal Vol : 36, Issue : 4, PP : 425-434, DOI : 10.47037/2020.ACES.J.360408, IF : 0.19, Q4, WOS, 06 march 2021 Link
W. Belloumi, A. Bréard, O. Hajji, C. Vollaire, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, IEEE Access Vol : 9, PP : 149870-149882, DOI : 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3124935, IF : 3.367, Q1, WOS, 3 november 2021 Link
N. Khyari, S. Khalfallah, Y. Barouni, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, IETE Journal of Research Vol : 67, Issue : 4, PP : 444-452, DOI :, IF : 0.35, Q3, WOS, 16 december 2018 Link
S. Kraiem, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, IET Science, Measurement and Technology Vol : 15, Issue : 4, PP : 343-351, DOI :, IF : 0.56, Q2, WOS, 21 february 2021 Link
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2020, IET Science, Measurement & Technology IF : 1.895, Q1, WOS, 02 december 2020 Link
S. Kraiem, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Hamouda, 2020, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.483, Q2, WOS, 31 october 2020 Link
N.M. Ben Lakhal, O. Nasri, L. Adouane, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2020, IET Intelligent Transport Systems IF : 2.05, Q2, WOS, 08 october 2020 Link
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IF : 2.274, Q2, WOS, 03 february 2020 Link
O. Nasri, N.M. Ben Lakhal, L. Adouane, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, Journal of Systems Architecture IF : 1.159, Q2, WOS, 23 january 2019 Link
A. Lahouar, M. Hamouda, I. Abari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, IET Power Electronics IF : 2.839, Q1, WOS, 25 october 2018 Link
I. Dhiab, Y. Barouni, S. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, IET Communications IF : 1.779, Q2, WOS, 6 april 2019 Link
S. Douzi, M. Kadi, H. Boulzazen, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.483, Q2, WOS, 23 september 2019 Link
J. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, Computer Applications in Engineering Education IF : 1.435, Q1, WOS, 11 march 2019 Link
N. Khyari, S. Khalfallah, Y. Barouni, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, IETE Journal of Research IF : 0.829, Q3, WOS, 18 december 2018 Link
S. Douzi, M. Kadi, H. Boulzazen, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.236, Q2, WOS, 30 september 2018 Link
S. Mehri, A.C. Ammari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Sawan, 2018, IEEE Access IF : 3.575, Q1, WOS, 28 may 2018 Link
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, IET Power Electronics IF : 2.267, Q1, WOS, 01 november 2018 Link
M. Mellouli, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Q3, SCOPUS, 2017 Link
I. Abari, A. Lahouar, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Al-Haddad, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Vol : 65, Issue : 7, PP : 5224-5236, DOI : 10.1109/TIE.2017.2777378, IF : 7.050, Q1, WOS, 24 november 2017 Link
A. Lahouar, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, Renewable Energy IF : 4.357, Q1, WOS, 17 october 2014 Link
M. Salem, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences IF : 0.578, Q3, WOS, 5 june 2016 Link
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility IF : 1.146, Q1, WOS, 11 february 2016 Link
M.A. Belaid, H. Kaouach, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.202, Q2, WOS, 18 september 2016 Link
S. Mehri, A.C. Ammari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, H. Rmili, 2016, Journal of sensors IF : 0.712, Q1, WOS, 10 april 2016 Link
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, International Review on Modelling and Simulations Q2, SCOPUS, june 2016 Link
N.E. Ben Youssef, Y. Barouni, S. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Ben Driss, 2016, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications Vol : 7, Issue : 11, DOI : 10.14569/IJACSA.2016.071115, Q3, SCOPUS, 11 november 2016 Link
F.E. Lahouar, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications SCOPUS, 2016 Link
A. Lahouar, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management IF : 4.38, Q1, WOS, 2015 Link
N. Khyari, S. Khalfallah, Y. Barouni, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, Procedia Computer Science SCOPUS, 23 december 2015 Link
N.E. Ben Youssef, Y. Barouni, S. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Ben Driss, 2015, Procedia Computer Science SCOPUS, 23 december 2015 Link
D. Douzi, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.433, Q2, WOS, 20 august 2015 Link
J. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, Procedia Computer Science SCOPUS, 23 december 2015 Link
A. Trigui, S. Mehri, A. Ammari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Sawan, 2015, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Q2, SCOPUS, 15 september 2015 Link
I. Briki, L. Pichon, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IF : 1.386, Q2, WOS, 26 october 2015 Link
W. Labiedh, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications IF : 0.726, Q2, WOS, 43440 Link
S. Saidi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2013, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M (PIER-M) Q3, SCOPUS, 2013 Link
M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. A. Belaid, 2013, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.214, Q3, WOS, 12 october 2013 Link
S. Saidi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2013, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B Q1, SCOPUS, 2013 Link
S. Saidi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IF : 1.297, Q1, WOS, 26 november 2013 Link
Y. Liu, B. Ravelo, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2012, Advanced Electromagnetics Q4, SCOPUS, 11 november 2016 Link
Searcher Direction Title Country City Presentation Date Summary Type
Mellouli Mohamed J. Ben Hadj Slama, 9 novembre 2022 Review Sans co-encadrement
Ben Lakhal Nadhir Mansour J. Ben Hadj Slama, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Associé à l’Institut Pascal/UCA 11 juin 2021 Review Cotutelle de thèse
Abari Ibtissem J. Ben Hadj Slama, 30 décembre 2020 Review Sans co-encadrement
Hedia Sassia J. Ben Hadj Slama, Génie électrique et électronique de paris à l’université « GeePs », PARIS- SACLAY 03 octobre 2020 Review Cotutelle de thèse
Dhiab Amor Imen J. Ben Hadj Slama, 29 juillet 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Kalfallah Ep Ladhari Jihen J. Ben Hadj Slama, 12 juin 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Toumi Khyari Nouha J. Ben Hadj Slama, 30 avril 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Douzi Chawki J. Ben Hadj Slama, Institut de Recherche en Systèmes Electroniques Embarqués «IRSEEM», Rouen France 08 février 2019 Review Cotutelle de thèse
Mehri Sondos J. Ben Hadj Slama, 11 décembre 2017 Review Sans co-encadrement
Lahouar Fatma Ezzahra J. Ben Hadj Slama, PVT Tunisie 11 juillet 2017 Review MobiDoc
Ben Youssef Nour El Houda J. Ben Hadj Slama, OXIA 20 juin 2017 Review MobiDoc
Zitouna Bessem J. Ben Hadj Slama, 13 avril 2016 Review Sans co-encadrement
Lahouar Ali J. Ben Hadj Slama, 6 avril 2016 Review Sans co-encadrement
Tlig Mohamed J. Ben Hadj Slama, 20 juin 2015 Review Sans co-encadrement
Labiedh Walid J. Ben Hadj Slama, 6 juin 2015 Review Sans co-encadrement
Saidi Sofian J. Ben Hadj Slama, 26 octobre 2013 Review Sans co-encadrement
Liu Yang J. Ben Hadj Slama, Institut de recherche en systèmes électroniques embarqués (Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, Seine-Maritime ; 2001-...) 2 octobre 2012 Review Co-Encadrement
Searcher Direction Title Country City Presentation Date Summary Type
References Publication
M. Belguith, S. Eloued, Moncef Kadi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2023, "One Sided GaN-Based Buck Converter Layout Optimization by Minimizing Power Loop Parasitics and Considering Heat Dissipation Efficiency", Sousse, Tunisia, 12-14 October 2023, IEEE 12-14 October 2023
A. T. Cheikhna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, O. Nasri, M. Ndongo, 2023, "Statistical Approach for Fault Diagnosis In Three Level NPC Inverters", Sousse, Tunisia, 12-14 October 2023, IEEE 12-14 October 2023
B. Zitouna, M. Tlig, S. Hedia, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2023, "An EMC Study for Renewable Energy Applications Using AI Algorithms", Sousse, Tunisia, 12-14 October 2023, IEEE 12-14 October 2023
Ahmed Taleb Cheikhna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, O. Nasri, Mamoudou Ndongo, 2023, "Machine Learning and EMI For MOSFET Aging Diagnosis", Nevsehir, Turkiye, 14-16 Juin 2023, IEEE 14-16 Juin 2023
H. Chaouch, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, "Modeling and Simulation of Appliances Scheduling in the Smart Home for Managing Energy", Tunis, Tunisia, 03-06 November 2014, Scopus 03-06 November 2014
R. Ajmi Dridi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, "Using M2M Communication for Shaving Peak of Energy Demand", Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-27 March 2014, Scopus 25-27 March 2014
A. Lahouar, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, "Wind Speed and Direction Prediction for Wind Farms Using Support Vector Regression", Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-27 March 2014, Scopus 25-27 March 2014
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2013, "Development and validation of analytic equations of the electromagnetic fields radiated by the elementary dipoles in time domain", Hammamet, Tunisia, 18-21 March 2013, Scopus 18-21 March 2013
M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M A. Belaid, 2013, "Power RF N-LDMOS ageing effect on conducted electromagnetic interferences", Hammamet, Tunisia, 18-21 March 2013, Scopus 18-21 March 2013
S. Saidi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2012, "The PZMI and Artificel Neural Network to Identify the Electromagnetic Radiation Sources", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-28 March 2012, Scopus 25-28 March 2012
B. Ravelo, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2012, "Equalization of digital/mixed-signal disturbances with an negative group delay circuit", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-28 March 2012, Scopus 25-28 March 2012
J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Tlig, 2012, "Effect of the MOSFET Choice on Conducted EMI in Power Converter Circuits", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-28 March 2012, Scopus 25-28 March 2012
J. Ben Hadj Slama, W. Labiedh, 2012, "Library of EMC Models for Passive Components and Printed Circuit Board", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-28 March 2012, Scopus 25-28 March 2012
N.E.H. Ben Youssef,, Y. Barouni, S. Khafallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Ben Driss, 2016, "Supporting renewable energy resources integration using content-centric networking", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 11-13 May 2016, Scopus 11-13 May 2016
Sh. Douzi, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Kadi, 2016, "Simulation of Conducted EMI in SiC MOSFET Buck Converters Before and After Aging", Hammamet, Tunisia, 18-20 December 2016, Scopus 18-20 December 2016
S. Kraiem, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, "Comparative study between Single-Phase Transformerless PV Inverters in terms of conducted EMI", Hammamet, Tunisia, 18-20 December 2016, Scopus 18-20 December 2016
S. Mehri, Ahmed Chiheb Ammari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Mohamad Sawan, 2016, "Minimizing Printed Spiral Coil Losses for Inductive Link Wireless Power Transfer", Aveiro, Portugal, 05-06 May 2016, Scopus 05-06 May 2016
S. Saidi, H. Bhiri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, "Study of the Electromagnetic Near Field Radiated by the Photovoltaic cells", Hammamet, Tunisia, 18-20 December 2016, Scopus 18-20 December 2016
S. Mehri, A. Chiheb Ammari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L.Ladhar, 2016, "Performance Characterization of Variable Width Square Coils for Inductive Link Wireless Power Transfer", Lemesos, Cyprus, 18-20 April 2016, Scopus 18-20 April 2016
A. Lahouar, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, "Random forests model for one day ahead load forecasting", Sousse, Tunisia, 24-26 March 2015, Scopus 24-26 March 2015
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, "Time Domain Electromagnetic Inverse Method for non-Sinusoidal Circuits", Sousse, Tunisia, 11-13 June 2015, IEEE 11-13 June 2015
F. E. Lahouar, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, "Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Control of a Three-Phase/Level PWM DC-AC Neutral Point Clamped Converter", Kuwait, 23-25 November 2015, IEEE 23-25 November 2015
F. E. Lahouar, Sana Kraiem, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, "DSP based real-time implementation of a space vector modulation scheme for three-phase three-level NPC converter", Sousse, Tunisia, 24-26 March 2015, Scopus 24-26 March 2015
M. Mellouli, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Al-haddad, 2015, "Comparative Study Between the Improved Schemes of MAF-Based Robust PLLs", Kuwait, Kuwait, 23-25 November 2015, IEEE 23-25 November 2015
M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, "Modeling the Evolution of Conducted EMI of a Buck Converter after N-MOS Transistor Aging", Sousse, Tunisia, 11-13 June 2015, IEEE 11-13 June 2015
W. Labiedh, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, "VHDL-AMS for Calculating the Radiated Field in Circuit Simulators", Sousse, Tunisia, 11-13 June 2015, IEEE 11-13 June 2015
M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. A. Belaid, 2014, " Experimental study on the EMI and switching time evolution of IGBT devices after operating aging tests", Tunis, Tunisia,  03-06 November 2014, Scopus  03-06 November 2014
W. Labiedh, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, "Analysis and modeling of the magnetic near fields Emited by an Igbt and by a power diode generic radiating model for active components", Tunis, Tunisia,  03-06 November 2014, Scopus  03-06 November 2014
W. Labiedh, H. Shall, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Z. Riah, M. Kadi, 2014, "Comparative study of two inverse methods based on near-field technique", Tunis, Tunisia,  03-06 November 2014, Scopus  03-06 November 2014
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, "Time Domain Electromagnetic Inverse Method: Implementation and Validation for Simple Structures", Gothenburg, SWEDEN, 01-04 September 2014, Scopus 01-04 September 2014
S. Mehri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Ahmed C. Ammari, Hatem Rmili, 2014, "Genetic algorithm based geometry optimization of inductively coupled printed spiral coils for remote powering of electronic implantable devices", Sousse, Tunisia, 14-16 June 2014, Scopus 14-16 June 2014
M. Salem, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, "Performance Assessment of Conventional Modulation Schemes in Terms of Conducted EMI Generated by PWM Inverters", Sfax, Tunisia, 25-27 March 2014, Scopus 25-27 March 2014
M.A. Belaid, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, "EMI and switching time evolution for power RF LDMOS in chopper application after accelerated tests", Tunis, Tunisia, 03-06 November 2014, Scopus 03-06 November 2014
F. E. Lahouar, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Hamouda, F. Ben Mustapha, 2014, "Comparative study between two and three-level topologies of grid connected photovoltaic converters", Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-27 March 2014, Scopus 25-27 March 2014
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2018, "Electromagnetic Time reversal for radiating source identification in time domain", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 19-22 March 2018, Scopus 19-22 March 2018
W. Belloumi, Arnaud Bréard, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Christian Vollaire, 2018, "Numerical approach to study layout influence on electromagnetic emissions signature", Suntec City, Singapore, 14-18 May 2018, Scopus 14-18 May 2018
W. Belloumi, Arnaud Bréard, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Christian Vollaire, 2018, "Impact of layout on the conducted emissions of a DC-DC converter using numerical approach", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 19-22 March 2018, Scopus 19-22 March 2018
J. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, "Relevant Metrics for Facial expression recognition in Intelligent Tutoring System", Tunis, TUNISIA, 28-30 September 2016, Scopus 28-30 September 2016
I. Dhiab, Y. Barouni, S.Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, "Pseudo-LRU Replacement Policy in Named Data Networking Using Fat Tree DataCenter Network Architecture", Hammamet, Tunisia, 30 October 2017 - 03 November 2017, Classée 30 October 2017 - 03 November 2017
N.E.H. Ben youssef, Y. Barouni, S.Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Khaled Ben Driss, 2017, "Emulation Of Content-centric Routing And Forwarding Strategies In Smart Grids", Hammamet, Tunisia, 30 October 2017 - 03 November 2017, Classée 30 October 2017 - 03 November 2017
N.E.H. Ben Youssef, Y. Barouni, S.Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Khaled Ben Driss, 2017, "Mixing SDN and CCN for content-centric qos aware smart grid architecture", Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, 14-16 June 2017, Scopus 14-16 June 2017
A. Lahouar, Amal Mejri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, "Probabilistic Day-Ahead Load Forecast Using Quantile Regression Forests", Monastir, Tunisia, 08-10 May 2017, Scopus 08-10 May 2017
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, "Time domain extraction of the radiated magnetic near field from the measured voltage by the magnetic probe", Hammamet, Tunisia, 23-25 March 2017, Scopus 23-25 March 2017
A. Sassi, Noureddaher Zaidi, O. Nasri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, "Energy Management of PV/Wind/Battery Hybrid Energy System Based on Batteries Utilization Optimization", Hammamet, Tunisia, 23-25 March 2017, Scopus 23-25 March 2017
A. Lahouar, A. Majri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, "Importance Based Selection Method for Day-ahead Photovoltaic Power Forecast Using Random Forests", Hammamet, Tunisia, Hammamet, Tunisia, Scopus Hammamet, Tunisia
A. Lahouar, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, "Comparative study of learning machine predictors for half-hour and day-ahead electricity price forecast in deregulated markets", Hammamet, Tunisia, 22-24 March 2016, Scopus 22-24 March 2016
I. Dhiab, Y. Barouni, S. Khafallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, "Datacenter Network Architecture  Performance  Analysis Using Content Centric Communication", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 11-13 May 2016, Scopus 11-13 May 2016
N. M. B. Lakhal, Lounis Adouane, O. Nasri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, "Interval-based/data-driven risk management for intelligent vehicles: Application to an adaptive cruise control system", Paris, France, 9-12 June 2019, Classée 9-12 June 2019
S. Eloued, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, "A VHDL-AMS voltage controlled oscillator synthesis approach", Hammamet, Tunisia, 16-18 December 2019, Scopus 16-18 December 2019
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2019, "Comparative study between EMTR technique and a GA-based method for modeling EM radiation source in the Near Field", Barcelona, Spain, 02-06 September 2019, Scopus 02-06 September 2019
N. M. Ben Lakhal, Lounis Adouane, O. Nasri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, "Interval-based solutions for reliable and safe navigation of intelligent autonomous vehicles", Poznan, Poland, 08-10 July 2019, Scopus 08-10 July 2019
N. M. Ben Lakhal, Adouane, Lounis, N.Othman, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, "Risk Management for Intelligent Vehicles based on Interval Analysis of TTC", Gdansk, POLAND, 03-05 July 2019, Scopus 03-05 July 2019
N. M. Ben Lakhal, O. Nasri, Adouane, Lounis, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2020, "Reliable modeling for safe navigation of intelligent vehicles: Analysis of first and second order set-membership TTC", Virtual, Online, 7-9 July 2020, Classée 7-9 July 2020
I. Abari, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Kamal Al-Haddad, 2018, "Single Switch Open-Circuit Fault Detection for Three-Level NPC Inverter Using Conducted Emissions Signature", Washington, DC, USA, 21-23 October 2018, Scopus 21-23 October 2018
I. Abari, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, "Open- Switch fault detection in three-phase symmetrical cascaded multilevel inverter using conducted disturbances", Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 19-22 March 2018, Scopus 19-22 March 2018
J. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, "A comparative study of the various clustering algorithms in e-learning systems using weka tools", Hammamet, Tunisia, 09-11 November 2018, Scopus 09-11 November 2018
N. Khyari, S. Khalfallah, Y. Barouni, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, "Comparative Performance analysis of cooperative outdoor PLC", Aqaba, Jordan, 28 October 2018 - 01 November 2018, Classée 28 October 2018 - 01 November 2018
N. Khyari, S. Khalfallah, Y. Barouni, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, "Cooperative Communication over a NS-3 PLC Module", Hammamet, 02-05 May 2018, Visible sur Internet 02-05 May 2018
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2018, "A Full Time Domain Methodology based on Near Field Time Reversal for Equivalent Source Identification", Suntec City, Singapore, 14-18 May 2018, Scopus 14-18 May 2018
I. Abari, M. Hammouda, M. Sliman, J. Ben Hadj Slama, H. Y. Kanaan, K. Elhadded, 2022, "Fault Diagnosis of Single-Place Five -Level Pached U-cell Inverter under different load and variable working conditions", Tunis, Tunisia, 26-28 october 2022, Scopus 26-28 october 2022
S. Kraiem, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Hamouda, 2022, "Resonance Identification and Attenuation for EMC Study in AC-HERIC Topology", Sousse, Tunisia, 19-21 december 2022, Scopus 19-21 december 2022
S. Kraiem, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Hamouda, 2021, "Chaotic Modulation Technique for Grid-Connected Inverter", Hammamet, Tunisia, 26-28 october 2021, Scopus 26-28 october 2021
S. Kraiem, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Hamouda, 2021, "Conducted EMI Reduction in Transformerless PV Grid-Connected Inverter Based on PCB Improvement", Hammamet, Tunisia, 26-28 October 2021, Scopus 26-28 October 2021
W. Labiedh, B. Zitouna, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, "Development of Generic Radiating Model for Rectangular Capacitors: Magnetic Near Fields Analysis and Modeling", 11 november 2021, Chapitre de livre 11 november 2021
C. Douzi, M. Kadi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, "Evolution of Electrical Performance in First Generation of SiC MOSFET for Low Voltage Applications after Short-Circuit Aging Tests", Hammamet, Tunisia, 26-28 october 2021, Scopus 26-28 october 2021
C. Mahfoudh, O. Nasri, O. Hajji, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Ndong, 2021, "Principal Component Analysis for Fault Detection and Isolation in a DC-DC Buck Converter", Monastir, Tunisia, 22-25 march 2021, Scopus 22-25 march 2021
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2021, "Study of Electromagnetic Radiation Sources Using Time Reversal: Application to a Power Electronic Converter", 4 december 2021, Chapitre de livre 4 december 2021
M.A. Besseroure, S. Eloued, J. Ben Hadj Slama, F. fouquet, M. Kadi, 2021, "Thermal Modelling for an Electrothermal Model of GaN Devices", Hammamet, Tunisia, 26-28 october 2021, Scopus 26-28 october 2021
I. Abari, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, "Three-Level NPC Inverter Fault Diagnosis using Wavelet Packet Transform and Statistical Analysis of the Emitted Near-Field", Hammamet, Tunisia, 26-28 october 2021, Scopus 26-28 october 2021
I. Abari, M. Sleiman, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, H.Y. Kanaan, K. Elhadded, 2020, "A Voltage-Based Open-Switch Fault Identification Method for Single-Phase Five-level Packed U-cell Inverter", Gammarth, Tunisia, 28 september - 01 october 2020, Scopus 28 september - 01 october 2020
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2020, "An Efficient Approach Based on the Near-Field Technique to Solve EMI Problems: Application to an AC/DC Flyback Converter", 4 november 2020, Chapitre de livre 4 november 2020
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2020, "Characterization of Radiating Sources in the Near Field Using EMTR Technique: A Parametric Study", Gammarth, Tunisia, 28 september - 01 october 2020, Classée 28 september - 01 october 2020
S. Kraiem, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2020, "EMI Reduction in Transformerless Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter via Chaotic SPWM Control", Gammarth, Tunisia, 28 september - 01 october 2020, Scopus 28 september - 01 october 2020

PhD in electrical engineering from Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France)

Engineer from Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France)

Projects translate.Pôle de Recherche
Systèmes de Transport Intelligents (ITS)
Énergies Renouvelables et Réseaux électriques intelligents (RESG)
Systèmes de Transport Intelligents (ITS)
Systèmes de Transport Intelligents (ITS)
Systèmes de Transport Intelligents (ITS)
Énergies Renouvelables et Réseaux électriques intelligents (RESG)
Énergies Renouvelables et Réseaux électriques intelligents (RESG)
Systèmes de Transport Intelligents (ITS)
Énergies Renouvelables et Réseaux électriques intelligents (RESG)
Énergies Renouvelables et Réseaux électriques intelligents (RESG)
Énergies Renouvelables et Réseaux électriques intelligents (RESG)
Énergies Renouvelables et Réseaux électriques intelligents (RESG)
Cover page Authors Title Link ISBN Publication date Editions Year
Livre Cover A. Ibtissem, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Hamouda, Implémentation sur carte FPGA des commandes MLI multi-porteuses Book Link 978-613-8-47008-3 28 september - 01 october 2020 éditions universitaires européennes, 2022

Experience : Professor at the National Engineering School of Sousse (ENISO)

Experience : Senior Lecturer at the National Engineering School of Sousse (ENISO)


senior teacher

The power density of converters is continually increasing to meet growing needs in terms of power integration. This is made possible by the development of new wide-bandgap power component technologies such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN). It is therefore essential to study the impact of these new-generation GaN and SiC components on the EMC and reliability of the power converters used in these applications.

This project is being developed in collaboration with Prof. Moncef Kadi's team in charge of the Electronics and Systems Department at IRSEEM, Rouen-France.

Leader:J. Ben Hadj Slama,

Members:Eloued Sonia,Mohamed BelghithAhmed Taleb Cheikhna


The aim of this project is to improve the quality of injection of renewable electrical energy into the power grid. We have developed high-efficiency single-phase and three-phase converter structures, while reducing the electromagnetic disturbances generated by the converter, as well as leakage current. We have designed and built a three-phase current inverter that is more reliable than a voltage inverter, and can be connected to the grid at low DC bus voltages. So, in order to improve the efficiency of this PV converter, we studied the impact of using SiC components on converter losses. For this purpose, we adopted the double pulse test technique and PLECS software to evaluate the converter's efficiency. 

This work was carried out in collaboration with Professor Kamal Al-Hadda Canada Research Chair in Energy Conversion and Power Electronics, ETS de Montreal, Canada.

Leader: Hamouda Mahmoud

Team: Ben Hadj Slama JaleleddineBoudhir Kraiem Sana, K. Ezzeddine

In this project, we are working on the automatic optimization of the typon layout in order to reduce conducted and radiated electromagnetic disturbances in the converter. An automatic coupling has been implemented between Simplorer software for fine electrical simulation, Ansys' Q3D software for calculating the electromagnetic coupling matrix between the various parts of the circuit, and Matlab for automatic layout generation and genetic algorithm optimization. The proposed methodology has been validated experimentally.

This project is being developed in collaboration with Prof. Christian Vollaire's team in charge of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) activity at the Ampère laboratory at the Ecole Cenrale de Lyon-France

responsible: J. Ben Hadj Slama,

Members: Hajji Omessaad, Belloumi Wided

Estimating the state of charge (SoC) of batteries in electric vehicles is essential to ensure safe and efficient operation. In this project, we are working on the development of state observer-based algorithms: Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Smoot Variable Struture Filter (SVSF). We have proposed a fuzzy logic technique for estimating battery parameters, taking into account the state of charge and ambient temperature. To achieve this, we have used a rich database collected from various battery charge and discharge tests under different ambient temperature conditions. 

This project is developed in collaboration with Mr. Bilal Manai Professor at Cégep de l'Outaouais, Canada.

Team leader: Jemmali Sabeur

Team: Hamouda MahmoudM. ben Lazreg,

In this project, we calculated reachability between different points along the vehicle's path, using an accessibility analysis scheme as a reliable risk indicator. To do this, we used interval analysis to propagate the uncertainties influencing vehicle dynamics. This boils down to solving an ordinary differential equation with uncertain variables and parameters via an interval Taylor series expansion method. Depending on the bounds obtained for the achievable sets, a decision is made regarding navigation safety.


Once a risk of collision is detected, the risk management layer acts to update the control parameters to influence the location of the most likely reachable space, control the critical situation and guarantee good reachability, while avoiding any risk of the vehicle colliding with the forbidden zone. Several simulation results demonstrate the safety, efficiency and robustness of the proposed global navigation under uncertainty.


This project is being developed in collaboration with Professor Lounis Adouan of the Heudiasyc laboratory, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Compiègne, France.


Manager:  Nasri Othman


Team: Ben Hadj Slama Jaleleddine, Ben Lakhal Nadhir Mansour

The aim of this project is to guarantee the permanent injection of renewable energy into the electrical grid, even when the latter presents disturbances such as voltage dips, harmonics and frequency variations.


We have developed techniques for fast, accurate extraction of fundamental components, unbalance and offset, even in the event of frequency jumps. This has been tested and validated under highly disturbed network voltage conditions. The results obtained in simulation and real-time emulation demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in estimating, with high accuracy, the instantaneous parameters of the grid voltage without any steady-state ripple, and without the integration of adaptive filters.


This work is developed in collaboration with Professor Kamal Al-Haddad Canada Research Chair in Energy Conversion and Power Electronics, ETS de Montreal, QC, Canada.


Manager: Ben Hadj Slama Jaleleddine


Team: Hamouda Mahmoud, Mellouli Mohamed


The reliability of photovoltaic inverters is essential to guarantee continuity of service on the electricity grid. In this project, we are developing intelligent fault diagnosis methods for photovoltaic inverters, based on the analysis of the electromagnetic signature of these inverters, using advanced signal processing techniques. These methods will be extended in a second stage to prognosticate component ageing.


The proposed methodology was initially validated on a three-phase NPC inverter. The method was then adapted for application to other advanced structures, using various signal processing analyses. The proposed method is capable of detecting and isolating a single open switch fault in a five-level U-cell single-phase inverter (type PUC5).


Numerical and experimental validations have shown that the proposed method is robust to variations in load current and operating parameters.


With a view to using electromagnetic disturbances as a signature of power component ageing, we are implementing advanced signal processing techniques such as autocorrelation...


This work is developed in collaboration with Professor Kamal Al-Haddad Canada Research Chair in Energy Conversion and Power Electronics, ETS de Montreal, QC, Canada.


Manager: Ben Hadj Slama Jaleleddine


Team:Hamouda Mahmoud, Abari Ibtissem, Ahmed Taleb Cheikhna

In the first phase of this project, we opted for the integration of the double-fed asynchronous machine as the drive system. It should be noted that this type of motor is highly capable of operating at high speeds. On these machines, we are implementing non-linear and non-conventional control structures, essentially integrating control and observation of sliding-mode states of the system.


In a second step, we have introduced multi-stator asynchronous machines with the ability to segment the power developed by the drive systems. These machines, generally of high power, are used in marine propulsion and high-power systems. We have built a test bench for a three-star, nine-phase machine. The test bench consists essentially of the high-power part (nine-arm inverter) and its open-loop control. The closed-loop control is currently being finalized.


                                                       Vehicle drive by dual-powered asynchronous machine


                                    Three-star machine - nine phases