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Power Management

The Energy Management team comprises 2 professors, 5 senior lecturers (HDR), 14 assistant lecturers, 14 post-docs and 17 PhD students. It focuses on renewable energy and its integration into the intelligent power grid, power converters, control of conventional and non-conventional machines, intelligent transport systems, and the reliability and reliability of these systems.


She is leading two research projects, the first on renewable energy and the Smart Grid, and the second on intelligent transport systems.

References Publication Link
M.A. Belaid, A10, 2022, Microelectronics Reliability Vol : 138, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2022.114746, IF : 1.418, Q2, WOS, 18 august 2022 Lien
N.M. Ben Lakhal, L. Adouane, O. Nasri, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2022, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Vol : 152, DOI : Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.robot.2022.104065, IF : 3.7, Q1, WOS, Juin 2022 Lien
H. Hélali, A. Khedher, 2022, Computers & Electrical Engineering Vol : 101, PP : 108050, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2022.108050, IF : 4.152, Q1, WOS, 10 may 2022 Lien
T. Guenenna, K. Ben Smida, A. Khedher, 2022, International Journal of Power Electronics Vol : 15, Issue : 3-4, PP : 495-521, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1504/IJPELEC.2022.122410, Q4, SCOPUS, 19 april 2022 Lien
M.A. Belaid, 2022, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering Vol : 33, PP : 101950, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2022.101950, IF : 10.516, Q1, WOS, 6 april 2022 Lien
I. Moussa, A. Khedher, 2022, Electronics Vol : 11, Issue : 2, PP : 187, DOI : https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11020187, IF= 2.397, IF : 2.69, Q2, wos, 7 january 2022 Lien
Z. Touati, M. Pereira, R. Esteves Araújo, A. Khedher, 2022, Machines Vol : 10, Issue : 2, PP : 103, DOI : 10.3390/machines10020103, IF : 2.899, Q2, wos, 28 january 2022 Lien
Z. Touati, M. Pereira, R. Esteves Araújo, A. Khedher, 2022, Electronics Vol : 11, Issue : 8, PP : 1285, DOI : 10.3390/electronics11081285, IF : 2.69, Q2, wos, 18 april 2022 Lien
S. Jemmali, B. ManaÏ, M. Hamouda, 2022, IET Power Electronics Vol : 15, Issue : 11, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1049/pel2.12283, IF : 2.112, Q1, wos, 27 april 2022 Lien
A. Ibtissem, M. Hamouda, M. Sleiman, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Kanaan Y., K. Al-Haddad, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Vol : 71, DOI : 10.1109/TIM.2022.3144235, IF : 4.016, Q1, WOS, 20 January 2022 Lien
M. ben Lazreg, S. Jemmali, B. Manai, M. Hamouda, 2022, IET Electr. Syst. Transp Vol : 12, PP : 1-15, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1049/els2.12056, IF : 2.387, Q1, WOS, 26 october 2022 Lien
S. Jemmali, M. Hamouda, B. Manai, 2022, IET Electr. Syst. Transp Vol : 12, Issue : 4, PP : 298314, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1049/els2.12055, IF : 2.387, Q1, WOS, 12 october 2022 Lien
M. Zerzeri, I. Moussa, A. Khedher, 2022, IETE Journal of Research DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2022.2154711, IF : 1.877, Q3, WOS, 19 december 2022 Lien
S. Jnayah, I. Moussa, A. Khedher, 2022, Electronics Vol : 11, Issue : 22, DOI : https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11223656, IF : 2.690, Q2, WOS, 9 november 2022 Lien
I. Abari, M. Sleiman, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, H.Y. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, 2023, Electr Eng Vol : 105, Issue : 1, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-022-01721-2, IF : 1.8, Q2, WOS, Avril 2023 Lien
T. Guenenna, A. Khedher, 2022, Electrical Engineering Vol : 105, PP : 419-434, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-022-01663-9, IF : 1.630, Q2, WOS, 05 november 2022 Lien
Z. Touati, R. Esteves Araújo, I. Mahmoud, A. Khedher, 2022, U.Porto Journal of Engineering Vol : 9, Issue : 1, DOI : https://doi.org/10.24840/2183-6493_009-001_001134, Q4, SCOPUS, 8 februray 2022 Lien
Z. Touati, M. Pereira, R. Esteves Araújo, A. Khedher, 2022, Energies Vol : 9, Issue : 13, DOI : 10.3390/en15134743, IF : 3.252, Q2, WOS, 28 june 2022 Lien
M. Mellouli, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Al-Haddad, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion Vol : 36, Issue : 3, PP : 1600 - 1613, DOI : 10.1109/TEC.2021.3061027, IF : 4.877, Q1, WOS, 22 february 2021 Lien
W. Labiedh, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal Vol : 36, Issue : 4, PP : 425-434, DOI : 10.47037/2020.ACES.J.360408, IF : 0.19, Q4, WOS, 06 march 2021 Lien
W. Belloumi, A. Bréard, O. Hajji, C. Vollaire, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, IEEE Access Vol : 9, PP : 149870-149882, DOI : 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3124935, IF : 3.367, Q1, WOS, 3 november 2021 Lien
N. Khyari, S. Khalfallah, Y. Barouni, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, IETE Journal of Research Vol : 67, Issue : 4, PP : 444-452, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2018.1554457, IF : 0.35, Q3, WOS, 16 december 2018 Lien
S. Kraiem, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2021, IET Science, Measurement and Technology Vol : 15, Issue : 4, PP : 343-351, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1049/smt2.12035, IF : 0.56, Q2, WOS, 21 february 2021 Lien
I. Baccouche, S. Jemmali, B. Manai, A. Nikolian, N. Omar, N. Essoukri Ben Amara, 2021, International Journal of Energy Research Vol : 46, Issue : 4, PP : 3843-3859, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1002/er.7445, IF : 1.53, Q2, WOS, 03 november 2021 Lien
S. Essallah, A. Khedher, 2021, Electric Power Components and Systems Vol : 49, Issue : 4-5, PP : 407-420, DOI : 10.1080/15325008.2021.1970059, IF : 0.26, Q1, WOS, September 2021 Lien
M. Zerzeri, A. Khedher, 2021, Computers & Electrical Engineering Vol : 93, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2021.107258, IF : 4.152, Q1, WOS, 16 june 2021 Lien
K. Ezzeddine, M. Hamouda, M.A. Mahjoub, H.Y. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, 2021, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Vol : 31, Issue : 12, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1002/2050-7038.13209, IF : 1.44, Q2, WOS, 15 december 2021 Lien
H. Hélali, A. Khedher, 2021, Electrical Engineering Vol : 104, Issue : 2, PP : 929-944, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-021-01351-0, IF : 0.51, Q2, WOS, 10 july 2021 Lien
I. Gueddi, O. Nasri, K. Ben Othman, 2021, IFAC-PapersOnLine Vol : 54, Issue : 21, PP : 222-227, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.12.038, Q3, SCOPUS, 29 december 2021 Lien
H. Mlayah, S. Ghachem, O. Nasri, K. Ben Othman, 2021, International Review of Aerospace Engineering Vol : 14, Issue : 4, DOI : https://doi.org/10.15866/irease.v14i4.19739, Q2, SCOPUS, Aout 2021 Lien
T. Guenenna, K. Ben Smida, A. Khedher, 2021, Microelectronics Reliability Vol : 126, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2021.114228, IF : 0.33, Q2, WOS, 11 october 2021 Lien
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2020, IET Science, Measurement & Technology IF : 1.895, Q1, WOS, 02 december 2020 Lien
N. Khemiri, A. Khedher, 2020, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy Q2, SCOPUS, 27 february 2020 Lien
M. Merchaoui, M. Hamouda, A. Sakly, M.F Mimouni, 2020, IET renewable power generation IF : 3.605, Q2, WOS, 19 november 2020 Lien
I. Gueddi, O. Nasri, K. Ben Othman, 2020, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing IF : 2.239, Q1, WOS, January 2020 Lien
I. Moussa, A. Khedher, 2020, Electric Power Components and Systems IF : 0.888, Q3, WOS, 30 july 2020 Lien
A. Ben Rhouma, M. Hamouda, 2020, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Vol : 30, Issue : 6, DOI : 10.1002/2050-7038.12384, IF : 1.314, Q2, WOS, 03 april 2020 Lien
S. Kraiem, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Hamouda, 2020, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.483, Q2, WOS, 31 october 2020 Lien
N.M. Ben Lakhal, O. Nasri, L. Adouane, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2020, IET Intelligent Transport Systems IF : 2.05, Q2, WOS, 08 october 2020 Lien
Z. Ben Mahmoud, M. Hamouda, A. Khedher, 2020, International Journal of Digital Signals and Smart Systems Vol : 4, Issue : 4, PP : 255-270, DOI : 10.1504/IJDSSS.2020.111007, AUTRE, 2020 Lien
S. Hedia, B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, L. Pichon, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IF : 2.274, Q2, WOS, 03 february 2020 Lien
H. Bouyahi, K. Ben Smida, A. Khedher, 2020, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems IF : 1.314, Q2, WOS, march 2020 Lien
S. Essallah, A. Khedher, 2020, Renewable Energy Focus Q2, SCOPUS, 2 july 2020 Lien
A. Ammar, H.Y. Kanaan, N. Moubayed, M. Hamouda, K. Al-Haddad, 2020, IEEE Access Vol : 8, PP : 45837 - 45852, DOI : 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2977502, IF : 4.098, Q1, WOS, 02 march 2020 Lien
A. Ben Rhouma, 2020, IET Electric Power Applications Vol : 14, Issue : 11, PP : 2016-2026, DOI :  10.1049/iet-epa.2019.0823, IF : 3.051, Q1, WOS, 22 june 2020 Lien
M.A. Belaid, A. Almusallam, M. Masmoudi, 2020, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems IF : 1.277, Q3, WOS, 31 august 2020 Lien
M.A. Belaid, M. Tlig, 2020, SN Applied Sciences AUTRE, 20 april 2020 Lien
S. Essallah, A. Khedher, 2019, Electrical Engineering IF : 1.296, Q2, WOS, 18 september 2019 Lien
I. Moussa, A. Bouallegue, A. Khedher, 2019, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems IF : 1.277, Q3, WOS, 13 may 2019 Lien
O. Nasri, N.M. Ben Lakhal, L. Adouane, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, Journal of Systems Architecture IF : 1.159, Q2, WOS, 23 january 2019 Lien
N. Khemiri, A. Khedher, 2019, European Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTRE, 16 november 2019 Lien
A. Lahouar, M. Hamouda, I. Abari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, IET Power Electronics IF : 2.839, Q1, WOS, 25 october 2018 Lien
I. Moussa, A. Khedher, A. Bouallegue, 2019, Electronics IF : 1.764, Q2, WOS, 19 february 2019 Lien
K. Ben Smida, M. Ben Smida, B. Mrabet, 2019, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Vol : 27, Issue : 5, DOI : 10.3906/elk-1811-183, IF : 0.625, Q3, WOS, 18 September 2019 Lien
Z. Ben Mahmoud, M. Hamouda, A. Khedher, 2019, IET Power Electron Vol : 12, Issue : 3, PP : 400-409, DOI : 10.1049/iet-pel.2018.5283, IF : 2.839, Q1, WOS, 30 january 2019 Lien
S. Essallah, A. Khedher, 2019, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy IF : 2.848, Q1, WOS, 04 november 2019 Lien
S. Essallah, A. Khedher, 2019, Computers & Electrical Engineering IF : 2.189, Q2, WOS, 18 september 2019 Lien
I. Dhiab, Y. Barouni, S. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, IET Communications IF : 1.779, Q2, WOS, 6 april 2019 Lien
I. Moussa, A. Khedher, 2019, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems IF : 1.314, Q2, WOS, 13 march 2019 Lien
S. Douzi, M. Kadi, H. Boulzazen, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.483, Q2, WOS, 23 september 2019 Lien
J. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2019, Computer Applications in Engineering Education IF : 1.435, Q1, WOS, 11 march 2019 Lien
N. Khyari, S. Khalfallah, Y. Barouni, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, IETE Journal of Research IF : 0.829, Q3, WOS, 18 december 2018 Lien
S. Douzi, M. Kadi, H. Boulzazen, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.236, Q2, WOS, 30 september 2018 Lien
S. Mehri, A.C. Ammari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Sawan, 2018, IEEE Access IF : 3.575, Q1, WOS, 28 may 2018 Lien
A. Alouane, A. Ben Rhouma, M. Hamouda, A. Khedher, 2018, IET Power Electronics Vol : 11, Issue : 9, PP : 1611-1619, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-pel.2017.0418, IF : 2.267, Q1, WOS, 09 august 2018 Lien
A. Alouane, A. Ben Rhouma, A. Khedher, 2018, Electric Power Components and Systems Vol : 46, Issue : 6, PP : 688-700, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/15325008.2018.1461148, IF : 1.144, Q2, WOS, 20 december 2018 Lien
M.A. Belaid, 2018, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.236, Q2, WOS, 2 august 2018 Lien
A. Mlayah, A. Khedher, 2018, International journal of renewable energy reasearch Q3, SCOPUS, 09 july 2018 Lien
M.A. Belaid, 2018, IET CIRCUITS DEVICES & SYSTEMS IF : 1.395, Q3, WOS, 30 august 2018 Lien
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2018, IET Power Electronics IF : 2.267, Q1, WOS, 01 november 2018 Lien
H. Kaouach, M.A. Belaid, 2018, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications IF : 2.115, Q2, WOS, 1 february 2018 Lien
M. Mellouli, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Q3, SCOPUS, 2017 Lien
A. Zouaoui, K. Ben Smida, A. Ammouri, F. Kourda, 2017, Electric Power Systems Research IF : 2.688, Q1, WOS, 1 september 2017 Lien
I. Gueddi, O. Nasri, K. Ben Othman, P. Dague, 2017, International Journal of Control Automation and Systems IF : 1.687, Q2, WOS, 19 january 2017 Lien
I. Abari, A. Lahouar, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Al-Haddad, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Vol : 65, Issue : 7, PP : 5224-5236, DOI : 10.1109/TIE.2017.2777378, IF : 7.050, Q1, WOS, 24 november 2017 Lien
A. Lahouar, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2017, Renewable Energy IF : 4.357, Q1, WOS, 17 october 2014 Lien
I. Baccouche, S. Jemmali, A. Mlayah, B. Manai, N. Essoukri Ben Amara, 2017, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Vol : 8, Issue : 1, DOI : https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v8i1.6686.g7292, Q3, SCOPUS, 22 july 2017 Lien
I. Baccouche, S. Jemmali, B. Manai, N. Omar, N. Essoukri Ben Amara, 2017, Energies Vol : 10, Issue : 6, DOI : 10.3390/en10060764 , IF : 2.62, Q2, WOS, 31 may 2017 Lien
I. Jabri, A. Bouallegue, F. Ghodhbane, 2017, Wireless Network IF : 1.584, Q2, WOS, 28 february 2017 Lien
S. Essallah, A. Bouallegue, A. Khedher, 2017, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Q3, SCOPUS, 23 july 2017 Lien
L. Rmili, M. Hamouda, S. Rahmani, H.F. Blanchette, K. Al-Haddad, 2017, Journal of Power Electronics IF : 1.047, Q2, WOS, 20 july 2017 Lien
Z. Ben Mahmoud, M. Hamouda, M. Hamdi, A. Khedher, 2017, International Journal of Power Electronics Vol : 8, Issue : 2, PP : 107-123, Q3, SCOPUS, 15 march 2017 Lien
M. Hamouda, H.F. Blanchette, K. Al-Haddad, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IF : 6.383, Q1, WOS, 27 july 2016 Lien
E. Mahersi, A. Khedher, 2016, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Q3, SCOPUS, 10 june 2016 Lien
E. Mahersi, A. Khedher, 2016, Wind Engineering Q4, SCOPUS, 2 october 2016 Lien
M. Salem, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences IF : 0.578, Q3, WOS, 5 june 2016 Lien
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility IF : 1.146, Q1, WOS, 11 february 2016 Lien
M.A. Belaid, H. Kaouach, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.202, Q2, WOS, 18 september 2016 Lien
S. Mehri, A.C. Ammari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, H. Rmili, 2016, Journal of sensors IF : 0.712, Q1, WOS, 10 april 2016 Lien
B. Zitouna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, International Review on Modelling and Simulations Q2, SCOPUS, june 2016 Lien
N.E. Ben Youssef, Y. Barouni, S. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Ben Driss, 2016, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications Vol : 7, Issue : 11, DOI : 10.14569/IJACSA.2016.071115, Q3, SCOPUS, 11 november 2016 Lien
F.E. Lahouar, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2016, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications SCOPUS, 2016 Lien
D. Chermiti, N. Abid, A. Khedher, 2016, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems IF : 1.084, Q2, WOS, 24 november 2016 Lien
I. Moussa, A. Bouallegue, A. Khedher, 2015, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Q3, SCOPUS, 30 november 2015 Lien
A. Lahouar, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management IF : 4.38, Q1, WOS, 2015 Lien
N. Khyari, S. Khalfallah, Y. Barouni, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, Procedia Computer Science SCOPUS, 23 december 2015 Lien
N.E. Ben Youssef, Y. Barouni, S. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, K. Ben Driss, 2015, Procedia Computer Science SCOPUS, 23 december 2015 Lien
D. Douzi, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.433, Q2, WOS, 20 august 2015 Lien
J. Khalfallah, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, Procedia Computer Science SCOPUS, 23 december 2015 Lien
M.A. Belaid, 2015, Microelectronics Reliability Vol : 55, Issue : 9-10, PP : 2051-2044, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2015.07.002, IF : 1.433, Q2, WOS, 20 august 2015 Lien
A. Trigui, S. Mehri, A. Ammari, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. Sawan, 2015, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Q2, SCOPUS, 15 september 2015 Lien
I. Briki, L. Pichon, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IF : 1.386, Q2, WOS, 26 october 2015 Lien
O. Nasri, I. Gueddi, P. Dague, K. Ben Othman, 2015, Journal of Control Science and Engineering Q2, SCOPUS, 26 may 2015 Lien
M. Hamouda, H.F. Blanchette, K. Al-Haddad, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IF : 4.935, Q1, WOS, 10 april 2015 Lien
W. Labiedh, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2014, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications IF : 0.726, Q2, WOS, 43440 Lien
M.A. Belaid, A.M. Nahhas, M. Gares, K. Daoud, O. Latry, 2014, Microelectronics Journal Vol : 45, Issue : 12, PP : 1800-1805, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mejo.2014.06.002, IF : 0.836, Q2, WOS, 27 june 2014 Lien
M.A. Belaid, M. Gares, K. Daoud, O. Latry, 2014, Microelectronics Reliability Vol : 54, Issue : 9-10, PP : 1851- 1855, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2014.07.131, IF : 1.433, Q2, WOS, 22 august 2014 Lien
S. Amara, A. Bouallegue, A. Khedher, 2014, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Q3, SCOPUS, 22 february 2014 Lien
S. Saidi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2013, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M (PIER-M) Q3, SCOPUS, 2013 Lien
M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, M. A. Belaid, 2013, Microelectronics Reliability IF : 1.214, Q3, WOS, 12 october 2013 Lien
S. Saidi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2013, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B Q1, SCOPUS, 2013 Lien
S. Saidi, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IF : 1.297, Q1, WOS, 26 november 2013 Lien
Y. Liu, B. Ravelo, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2012, Advanced Electromagnetics Q4, SCOPUS, 11 november 2016 Lien
O. Nasri, H. Shraim, P. Dague, O. Heron, M. Carton, 2012, International Journal of Vehicular Technology Q3, SCOPUS, 19 march 2012 Lien
M. ben Lazreg, I. Baccouche, S. Jemmali, Manai Bilal, M. Hamouda, 2023, Electric Power Components and Systems Vol : 51, Issue : Electric Power Components and Systems, PP : 1206, DOI : 10.1080/15325008.2023.2201285, IF : 1.276, Q3, Scopus, 21 Avril 2023 Lien
Ahmed Taleb Cheikhna, J. Ben Hadj Slama, O. Nasri, Mamoudou Ndongo, 2023, Electrical Engineering Vol : 105, Issue : 3, PP : 1911–1921, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-023-01754-1, IF : 1.63, Q2, Scopus, juin 2023 Lien
Kraiem Sana, M. Hamouda, J. Ben Hadj Slama, 2023, Electrical Engineering Vol : 101, Issue : 5, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-023-02003-1, IF : 1.8, Q2, Scopus, 11 September 2023 Lien
B. Zitouna, M. Tlig, J. Ben Hadj Slama, Moncef KADI, 2023, Microelectronics Reliability Vol : 101, PP : 115128, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2023.115128, IF : 1.6, Q2, Science Direct, 1 October 2023 Lien
K. Ezzeddine, M. Hamouda, M.A. Belaid, Kanaan, Hadi Y., Al-Haddad, Kamal, 2023, Electrical Engineering Vol : 105, Issue : 5, PP : 2607 - 2620, DOI : 10.1007/s00202-023-01840-4, IF : 1.8, Q2, Scopus, Octobre 2023 Lien
S. Jnayah, A. Khedher, 2023, COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol : 42, Issue : 6, PP : 1349 - 1371, DOI : 10.1108/COMPEL-04-2022-0162, IF : 0.82, Q3, WOS, 23 November 2023 Lien
F.Z. Latrach, A. Ben Rhouma, A. Khedher, 2023, Microelectronics Reliability Vol : 150, Issue : 00262714, DOI : 10.1016/j.microrel.2023.115118, IF : 1.6, Q2, Science Direct, 03 November 2023 Lien
H. Hélali, A. Khedher, 2023, Computers and Electrical Engineering Vol : 110, Issue : 00457906, PP : 108864, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2023.108864, IF : 4.3, Q1, Science Direct, September 2023 Lien
M. Zerzeri, I. Moussa Soussi, A. Khedher, 2024, COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering Vol : 43, Issue : 0332-1649, DOI : 10.1108/COMPEL-10-2023-0529, IF : 0.8, Q3, Scopus, 6 Mars 2024 Lien
Searcher Direction Title Country City Presentation Date Summary Type
Mellouli Mohamed J. Ben Hadj Slama, 9 novembre 2022 Review Sans co-encadrement
Jnayah Salma A. Khedher, 7 janvier 2023 Review Sans co-encadrement
Labiedh Walid J. Ben Hadj Slama, 6 juin 2015 Review Sans co-encadrement
Lahouar Ali J. Ben Hadj Slama, 6 avril 2016 Review Sans co-encadrement
Abari Ibtissem J. Ben Hadj Slama, 30 décembre 2020 Review Sans co-encadrement
Toumi Khyari Nouha J. Ben Hadj Slama, 30 avril 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Hélali Hiba A. Khedher, 3 décembre 2022 Review Sans co-encadrement
Dhiab Amor Imen J. Ben Hadj Slama, 29 juillet 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Mlayah Asma A. Khedher, 27 décembre 2018 Review Sans co-encadrement
Saidi Sofian J. Ben Hadj Slama, 26 octobre 2013 Review Sans co-encadrement
Chermiti Dhikra A. Khedher, 26 novembre 2016 Review Sans co-encadrement
Ben Lazreg Mariem S. Jemmali, M. Hamouda, ENISo 26 Decembre 2023 Review Co-Encadrement
Ben Mahmoud Zouhaira A. Khedher, 24 juillet 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Mahersi Emna A. Khedher, 24 décembr 2016 Review Sans co-encadrement
Israa Ismael Hussein A. Khedher, 22 octobre 2022 Review Sans co-encadrement
Ben Youssef Nour El Houda J. Ben Hadj Slama, OXIA 20 juin 2017 Review MobiDoc
Tlig Mohamed J. Ben Hadj Slama, 20 juin 2015 Review Sans co-encadrement
Essallah Sirine A. Khedher, 20 juillet 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Liu Yang J. Ben Hadj Slama, Institut de recherche en systèmes électroniques embarqués (Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, Seine-Maritime ; 2001-...) 2 octobre 2012 Review Co-Encadrement
Alouane Asma A. Khedher, 18 décembre 2018 Review Sans co-encadrement
Guenenna Thouraya A. Khedher, 14 janvier 2023 Review Sans co-encadrement
Zitouna Bessem J. Ben Hadj Slama, 13 avril 2016 Review Sans co-encadrement
Kalfallah Ep Ladhari Jihen J. Ben Hadj Slama, 12 juin 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Bouyahi Henda A. Khedher, 12 décembre 2022 Review Sans co-encadrement
Ben Lakhal Nadhir Mansour J. Ben Hadj Slama, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Associé à l’Institut Pascal/UCA 11 juin 2021 Review Cotutelle de thèse
Lahouar Fatma Ezzahra J. Ben Hadj Slama, PVT Tunisie 11 juillet 2017 Review MobiDoc
Mehri Sondos J. Ben Hadj Slama, 11 décembre 2017 Review Sans co-encadrement
Boudhir Kraiem Sana M. Hamouda, 10 avril 2021 Review Sans co-encadrement
Ezzeddine Kawther M. Hamouda, ENSIT 09 Décembre 2023 Review Sans co-encadrement
Douzi Chawki J. Ben Hadj Slama, Institut de Recherche en Systèmes Electroniques Embarqués «IRSEEM», Rouen France 08 février 2019 Review Cotutelle de thèse
Moussa Soussi Intissar A. Khedher, 04 mai 2019 Review Sans co-encadrement
Hedia Sassia J. Ben Hadj Slama, Génie électrique et électronique de paris à l’université « GeePs », PARIS- SACLAY 03 octobre 2020 Review Cotutelle de thèse
Leader : Khedher Adel
Searcher Grade
Ben Hadj Slama Jaleleddine Professeur
Khedher Adel Professeur
Belaid Mohamed Ali Maitre de conférences
Hamouda Mahmoud Maitre de conférences
Nasri Othman Maitre de conférences
Ben Rhouma Asma Maitre de conférences
Khedher Atef Maitre de conférences
Moussa Soussi Intissar Maître assistant
Ben Smida Khaled Maître assistant
Bouallegue Adel Maître assistant
Chtioui Hajer Maître assistant
Eloued Sonia Maître assistant
Hajji Omessaad Maître assistant
Hamrouni Lotfi Maître assistant
Jemmali Sabeur Maître assistant
Zaidi Noureddaher Maître assistant
Faiçal Jellali Maître assistant
Mahmoud Imed Maître assistant
Saidi Sofian Maître assistant
Essallah Sirine Maître assistant
Khmiri Nihel Maître assistant
Kouki Hajer Maître assistant
Akkari Hanen Maître assistant
Abari Ibtissem Post-Doc
Tlig Mohamed Post-Doc
Zitouna Bessem Post-Doc
Hedia Sassia Post-Doc
Dhiab Amor Imen Post-Doc
Bouyahi Henda Post-Doc
Kalfallah Ep Ladhari Jihen Post-Doc
Boudhir Kraiem Sana Post-Doc
Zerzeri Mouna Post-Doc
Toumi Khyari Nouha Post-Doc
Mellouli Mohamed post-Doc
Ben Lazreg Mariem Post-Doc
Guenenna Thouraya post-Doc
Hélali Hiba post-Doc
Jnayah Salma post-Doc
Mlayeh Hajer Post-Doc
Cheikhna Ahmed Taleb Doctorant
Mohamed Belghith Doctorant
Souid Chirine Doctorant
Eltaief Fathia Doctorant
Ben Ameur Abir Doctorant
Ben Said Mohamed Nassim Doctorant
Ismail Mohamed Doctorant
Amri Akram Doctorant
Latrach Fatma Zohra Doctorant
Afi Sameh Doctorant
Soltani Khouloud Doctorant
Lassoued Ali Doctorant
Ayed Yasmine Doctorant
Chraiti Mohamed Doctorant
Mohamed Khayri Rahmani Doctorant
Khouili Nouha Doctorant
Dhahri Mohamed Doctorant
Hajri Faten Doctorant
Gaaloul Yasmine Doctorant
Mallat Mariem Doctorant