The LATIS research laboratory was created, at the École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sousse (University of Sousse, Tunisia), in January 2017 under the code LR17ES04 and was then renewed in 2021 (LATIS2021-2024).

Its creation followed the change in status of the SAGE: Systèmes Avancés en Génie Électrique research unit, created, at the École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sousse, in 2011 and renewed from 2014 to 2016.

 Since 2011, LATIS researchers have been working to:

⮚ Develop scientific research in areas of research deemed to be national and international priorities,

⮚ Develop training in and through research by hosting PhD students and students on PFE and M2 master's internships,

⮚ Ensure high-level scientific production leading to leadership and contributing to the scientific influence of ENISo and the University of Sousse,

⮚ Maintain the scientific excellence of ENISo's teaching staff and that of partner schools and institutions at the level of the University of Sousse and other universities,

⮚ Meet the region's industrial needs for technology watch and technology transfer.

Headed by Prof. Jaleleddine Ben Hadj Slama, LATIS currently brings together over a hundred researchers in the broad fields of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, organized into two main teams:

 Energy Management and Mastery

Signal, Image and Document Team


The Energy Management team is developing two projects:                               The Signal, Image and Document team is developing two projects:

⮚  Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)                                                                 ⮚  Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision (AIVC)

⮚  Renewable Energies and Smart Grid (RESG)                                                    ⮚  Document Analysis and Processing (DAP)