last News

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Challenge on "Photovoltaic Inverter Design"

Challenge on "Photovoltaic Inverter Design” that will be held at ENISo from 4 to 6 September 2024....

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Summer School entitled: "Power Electronics Converters"

Summer School entitled: "Power Electronics Converters" that will be held at ENISo from 2 to 6 September 2024....

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Smart Grid seminar : TUNISO-MAURITANIAN TN-MR 2023

Application of Artificial Intelligence for Smart Grid forecasting...

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Assignment Report for Research Assistant Specialization : Electronique de Puissance

The Advanced Technology and Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory at the National School of Engineers in Sousse is planning a research project : DAAD Ta`ziz Partnerschaft 2023 - 2025: HVDC Enrich Open call for applications for the recruitment of a research assistant : Electronique de Puissance...

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Assignment Report for Research Assistant Specialization : CEM and Electronique de Puissance

The Advanced Technology and Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory at the National School of Engineers in Sousse is planning a research project : DAAD Ta`ziz Partnerschaft 2023 - 2025: HVDC Enrich Open call for applications for the recruitment of a research assistant : CEM and Electronique de Puissance...

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workshop DSP

ENISo's LATIS research laboratory is organizing a workshop on the design and real-time implementation on DP of controllers for power electronics converters....

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The list of the top 10 LATIS Scopus citations (updated on 21 February 2024).


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بــــلاغ إنتداب باحثين اختصاص هندسة كهربائية بصفة متعاقدان (دكاترة)


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